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Software CrazyJoe 6年前 (2019-05-08) 0个评论
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2019-05-08 12:21:44更新V6.35.7版本


之前推的2款,虽然很不错,但是都有我后来使用发现不满意的地方,File Commander你们有没有发现它删文件很慢。我不知道为什么,但是我在删一些东西的时候,比如文件夹和小文件巨多的,无良的Tencent文件夹,会删很久。Solid Explorer也是一个很好的文件浏览器,但是从一个老的ES用户转到Solid我印象中当时一直有1-2点地方用不惯,现在也忘记具体是什么地方了。


MiXplorer作为一个XDA开发的软件,必然可想而知,功能强大,而且它还有很多其它类似TC一样的插件,比如MiX Metadata;MiX Tagger;MiX Signer;MiX Archive等等可以对其功能进行进一步的扩充。最关键的是它完全免费,原生支持中文简体!具体功能太多,请看官方简介如下:

MiXplorer mix of explorers (SD, FTP, LAN, Cloud and other storage explorers) is a fast, smooth, beautiful, reliable and fully-featured file manager with a simple and intuitive user interface.
This app has no ads, is and will always remain completely free.
It supports Android Level 5(Eclair) ~ 27(Oreo)
I hope you enjoy it.
The best way indeed is to explore yourself. But here’s a brief list of essential features:
* Easily themable with customization option which lets you select any color you like.
* Sort, disable and enable all menu options and action buttons.
* Unlimited Tabbed browsing and Dual panel in landscape mode and Drag and Drop between panels also supported.
* Easily create Tasks to multitask Copy, Move, … operations.
* Different various View Modes and Sorting Options for each folder separately!
* Customizable bookmarks drawer with essential file types already categorized.
* Advanced search functions.
* Custom USB OTG driver. FAT32 (R/W), exFat(R/W), NTFS (R).
* Html viewer which supports MHT, Markdown, AXml, CHM, MAFF and…
* eBook reader which supports PDF, Epub and…
* Export/Import all preferences and bookmarks and customized skins.
* Extract and create 7z and Zip/Zip64 (splitted-encrypted), TAR, TAR.GZ, TAR.BZ2, GZIP, BZIP2, XZ, WIM, Lizard, LZ4, LZ5, Zstandard.
* Extract RAR/RAR5 (splitted-encrypted), XZ, APM, CAB, ISO, ARJ, AR, LZH, LHA, CHM, MSI, WIM, Z, CPIO, RPM, DEB, NSIS, LZMA, NTFS, FAT, VHD, MBR, SWM, MSLZ, CramFS, Dmg, ELF, MachO, Mub, PE, Split, Xar, Z, Udf, HFS, SquashFS, PPMD.
* All your cloud storage needs accessible from one single app. Choose from 19 providers:
Amazon Cloud drive, Mega.co.nzMail.ru, Dropbox, Box, Yandex, HiDrive, Baidu, Mediafire, Kuaipan, Kanbox, IDrive, Hubic, 4Sync, Google Drive, Meo, OneDrive, pCloud, SugarSync, VDisk.
+ clouds which support webdav like (Yandex.ru, OwnCloud, MyDrive.ch, DriveHQ, CloudMe, CloudSafe, …).
* Modifying zip files.
* Root access for all advanced operations.
* User and System app management with data backup ability for rooted devices.
* EncFS volumes supported for all storages.
* File encryption and decryption using Aescrypt file format.
* FTP/HTTP Server built in + TCP server to receive files from other devices using MiX (Send-to option).
* Built-in Image Viewer (it supports GIF animation and large images).
* Built-in Media Player + VLC codecs add-on.
* Powerful Text Editor.
* SAMBA, FTP, SFTP, WEBDAV, BLUETOOTH supported as well.
* And many more awesome features for you to explore!

  • 如果需要无限传输,可以使用sever里面开启FTP,HTTP等,然后用相关客户端连接,当然也可以使用sendanywhere的服务
  • 在浏览界面左滑可以直接开启新标签页,可以双栏操作,这样对于复制粘贴不同位置的东西非常方便
  • 软件左侧栏能显示几种储存,如果Root了,给与权限后会有个Root目录,就完全可以当类似RE那样的文件浏览器用了
  • 每次点击不同类似的文件时,Mix会提供多种打开方式,请注意选择自己需要的,比如点击APK文件后,除了安装,你选择explorer的话,是可以直接查看Apk内的内容等
  • 设置语言的话,在右上角选择setting后就有language选项,选择add,然后下滑找到简体中文添加即可



资源相关:(Credit: Hootan Parsa)

MiXplorer V6.35.7:


 MiX 插件集合:


  • MiX Archive可以给本体添加解压压缩功能。
  • MiX Image可以给本体添加RAW, TIFF, Animated WebP, APNG and Gif 图片支持
  • MiX PDF可以给本体添加PDF阅读支持
  • MiX Tagger可以给本体添加编辑文件Tag信息功能
  • MiX SMB可以给本体添加SMB支持
  • MiX Metadata可以给本体添加查看Metadata功能
  • MiX Codecs可以给本体添加视频解码功能
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